urbz has worked in developing communication and collective planning systems in Geneva since 2015. Our vision is one of usergenerated cities. We adapt this approach to the local context, in which our projects are deeply embedded. In Geneva, a global city hosting a large number of international organisations, this directly translates into guiding principles of hospitality and collective action.

Our work includes a complete makeover for a participatory-based, comprehensive plan of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) headquarters, a new urban development outline within the Nations Quarter neighbourhood to foster the core values of accessibility, community and creativity, and other re-imagining initiatives in Geneva’s parks, streets and vicinities.

urbz practice relies on the savoir-faire of an international team with more than a decade of worldwide experience, and a strong network of offices in Mumbai, Bogotá, Goa and Paris.


IFRC Park / Geneva, Switzerland
Geneva, Switzerland

L'équipe d'urbz travaille avec la Fédération internationale des sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge (IFRC) à Genève sur un aménagement paysager participatif impliquant le personnel, les voisin·e·s et les partenaires.

The urbz team is working with the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent societies (IFRC) in Geneva on a participatory landscape design involving staff, neighbors and partners.


ICRC Campus / Geneva, Switzerland
Geneva, Switzerland
ICRC Campus

urbz travaille sur un plan global pour le siège du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) à Genève. Environ 1200 personnes travaillent à Genève et 20 000 autres travaillent dans plus de 100 zones de conflit dans le monde.

urbz is working on a comprehensive plan for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) HQ in Geneva. About 1200 people work in Geneva and another 20,000 work in over 100 conflict zones around the world.

Cool City Sécheron / Geneva, Switzerland
Geneva, Switzerland
Cool City Sécheron

Un projet en cours sur la transition écologique et la manière dont elle peut favoriser des espaces publics de qualité.

An ongoing project on the ecological transition and how it can foster quality public spaces.

Riponne-Tunnel / Lausanne, Switzerland
Lausanne, Switzerland

urbz conduit une démarche participative de 18 mois visant à réimaginer les deux plus grands espaces publics de Lausanne.

urbz is carrying a 18 month long participatory process to redefine the two largest public squares in Lausanne.

Delta V / Versoix, Switzerland
Versoix, Switzerland
Delta V

Projet de quartier participatif à Versoix
Participation planning project in Versoix

Cultura Fertilis / Geneva, Switzerland
Geneva, Switzerland
Cultura Fertilis

Étude d’opportunité pour un équipement culture d'importance majeur à future place de l'Étoie (PAV).
Opportunity study for a major cultural center in the planned neighbourhood of PAV in Geneva.

Breaking Ground / Geneva, Switzerland
Geneva, Switzerland
Breaking Ground

Un atelier de 5 jours à Genève qui a permis d'élaborer des stratégies de densification urbaine progressive

A 5 day long workshop in Geneva which produced strategies for gradual urban densification.

Octagon / Geneva, Switzerland
Geneva, Switzerland

​Élaboration d'un programme pour la mutation d'un immeuble de bureaux existant et la coordination du concept architectural (étude de faisabilité et d'options pour des interventions stratégiques)

Development of a programme for the conversion of an existing office building and coordination of the architectural concept (feasibility study and options for strategic interventions)

Cultura Fertilis, étoile / Geneva, Switzerland
Geneva, Switzerland
Cultura Fertilis, étoile

​Programmation urbaine pour un îlot de 60’000 m2 à l’Etoile, PAV

Urban planning for a 60,000 m2 block at l'Etoile, PAV

Meyrinoise / Geneva, Switzerland
Geneva, Switzerland

Processus participatif pour la conception d’un espace public entre les immeubles de la Meyrinoise

Participatory process to design a public space between the Meyrinoise buildings
