Delta V: Neighbourhood project

Delta V: Neighbourhood project
The Dichtelust exhibition (desire for density) at the S AM (Swiss Architecture Museum) in Basel features urbz's "Delta V" project. The exhibition explores how a new generation of architects and urbanists produces desirable forms of density, through innovative processes and design. The exhibition turns upon its head the negative view of densification that prevails in the Swiss media.
The Delta V neighborhood project was commissioned to urbz by the city of Versoix and the State of Geneva, Switzerland. The team has involved local residents, students from Hepia and ETHZ, young architects and urbanists from all over the world, for over a year through a series of workshops, exhibitions, presentations and discussions.
The plan has expressed a deep understanding of the context that integrates the aspirations of residents, owners and future users.
Through this participatory project, urbz wants to demonstrate that the participation of users is essential to the production of high quality development projects. This plan is the result of a process that first brought out shared principles and vision, which were then translated into a spatial concept. The final plan will be presented to the public in the comings weeks.
46.281508, 6.16377
Avenue Adrien Lachenal, Rue Louis Dégallier, Chemin Tilia.