Place, Work, Folk
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L'équipe d'urbz travaille avec la Fédération internationale des sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge (IFRC) à Genève sur un aménagement paysager participatif impliquant le personnel, les voisin·e·s et les partenaires.
The urbz team is working with the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent societies (IFRC) in Geneva on a participatory landscape design involving staff, neighbors and partners.
Articles in this collection
Flooding ourselves
Flooding ourselves
Local knowledge may be the best response to natural disaster and bureaucratic inefficiency (The Hindu 17.08.2019)
Competition or co-creation?
Competition or co-creation?
How design competitions waste time, money and potential. (The Hindu 23.06.19)
Broken nature — reassembling the urban
Broken nature — reassembling the urban
Connecting humans to each other and the environment is the 21st century’s biggest challenge. (The Hindu 25.05.2019)
Rebellious engineers needed
Rebellious engineers needed
India’s most loved profession needs a reality check (The Hindu 27.04.2019)
Lessons in planning from Fort Kochi
Lessons in planning from Fort Kochi
Why Fort Kochi is a lesson that urban planners can integrate into a larger vision for India (The Hindu 02.03.2019)
Learning from Tokyo
Learning from Tokyo
What the world’s largest city can teach us about local development (The Hindu 16.02.2019)
Spreadsheet urbanism
Spreadsheet urbanism
How we locked ourselves in a box (The Hindu 02.02.19)
How cities emerge from the relationship between land and water
How cities emerge from the relationship between land and water
All habitats are made up of the sounds of water, as they flow in and out of people, kitchens, bathrooms and sewers (The Hindu 20.01.19)
Hacking the Cyborg
Hacking the Cyborg
Can collective intelligence save us from self-destruction? (The Hindu 06.01.2019)
An Italian tale of humanity and modernity
An Italian tale of humanity and modernity
A town which has roots in the Neolithic Age struggles with the ups and downs of modernity. (The Hindu 09.12.2018)
The Mumbai Ensemble
The Mumbai Ensemble
Stylistic confusion and the great Mumbai mashup tradition. (The Hindu 08.07.2018)
Life after dark
Life after dark
Cities should understand the value of nightlife. (The Hindu 24.06.2018)
New States, New Possibilities
New States, New Possibilities
Emerging political boundaries can help us rethink other categories. (The Hindu 3/12/2017)
The road to the city
The road to the city
How renewed attention to urban-rural linkages may reshape the urbanisation debate. (The Hindu 5/11/2017)
Hamburg: between the medieval and the global
Hamburg: between the medieval and the global
The organisation of the G20 reflects its democratic deficit. Not only did the G20 summit turn parts of Hamburg into a virtual fortress, it also made hostages of thousands of peaceful protesters and residents. (The Hindu, 16.07.17)