24 result(s)

Cities around the world are acknowledging that local expertise, knowledge and skills are an effective mechanism to generate ideas, plans and strategies that can be implemented by themselves or by civic authorities and planning agencies. Earlier this year, urbz was part of such an endeavour where we conducted Urban Typhoon workshops in Kochi, India. It was an enriching process working with local people to generate programmes and plans for the improvement , transformation and preservation of neighbourhoods. People’s energies and collective capacities came together to become a powerful force that

A Swiss city re-imagines public space and experiments with direct democracy in the process (The Hindu 16.03.2019)

Program of the Riponne-Tunnel Workshop/Forum taking place on March 8-9-10 in Lausanne (in French - sorry - but non-French speakers welcome to all events)

urbz is carrying a 18 month long participatory process to redefine the two largest public squares in Lausanne (Switzerland). / urbz conduit une démarche participative de 18 mois visant à réimaginer les deux plus grands espaces publics de Lausanne.

This innovative plan for a new neighbourhood in the town of Versoix in Geneva will be presented at

the Swiss Architecture Museum in Basel (S AM).

Le 11 juin 2018, urbz présente ses travaux sur la forme du futur quartier Lachenal-Dégallier (dit Delta V) aux habitants de Versoix. Un résumé en texte et image.

Un projet de quartier participatif à Versoix!
A participatory urban planning project in Geneva, Switzerland!

Articles de journaux sur le projet Delta V
News articles on the Delta V project in Geneva

Collaborative process between communities led by Proyecto Escape and supported by different local and international organisations

Breathing life into a community´s vision for a ¨restorative cell¨ using Bamboo