25 result(s)

In Portugal, Architects are revolutionising participatory urban planning by actively immersing themselves in a collaborative efforts with local municipalities. Through our interaction with Mariana Licenciada, we try to understand the negotiation process, the limitations within existing frameworks and how Res Do Chao has embedded co-Design as a tool in their participatory approach. 




urbz is working on the development of a set of tools and methodologies for participatory planning for the city of Cali in Colombia. french

urbz is working on the development of a set of tools and methodologies for participatory planning for the city of Cali in Colombia.

urbz está trabajando en el desarrollo de un conjunto de herramientas y metodologías para la planificación participativa de la ciudad de Cali en Colombia.

The Hôtel-Dieu in Nantes: a fictional process to a citizen-inspired approach

Streets, typically seen as the arteries of daily hustle, transform into a public stage during ceremonial processions where tradition and resistance are celebrated in unison. For communities of Dharavi, these processions denote a larger familial solidarity highlighting the struggles of urban life against the erasure of culture during calls for redevelopment. A declaration of presence that co-opts

©Arthur Crestani, Rue de la Conversation. Juillet 2024.

Respiration, Hôtel-Dieu, Nantes. Automne 2024.

The Dharavi Koli Jamaat Trust has been entrusted the responsibility to address socio-economic and spatial  challenges in Dharavi for the Koliwada community. The Dharavi Koli Jamaat Trust is a functional example of urban local bodies promoting grass-root level governance with a community centric approach.

Koliwada's are fishing hamlets in Mumbai city and unlike most settlements, they extend beyond terrestrial boundaries. The waters of rivers, creeks and seas, all form part of an amphibious habitat that is integral and deeply familiar to the Kolis.