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NYU Abu Dhabi returns for the third year of handstorming resulting in some exciting projects in Kumbharwada, Koliwada, Transit Camp and the 13th Compound
As part of Arc en Rêve’s Ways of the World exhibition, we produced material based on our circulatory urbanism research, which included a 6 meter long mural and a video. We then organized workshops around this material for a week.
After months of preparation, our humble gallery space opens its doors to the public.
What do spray painted cats on walls, masked motorbikes and a pop-up staircase have in common? The Khotachiwadi Imaginaries workshop.
Cutouts from URBZ’s mural at the Uneven Growth exhibition opening at the MAK Museum in Vienna.
Design is on the move: it is migrating from the rigid domain of bureaucracy towards the rhizomatic realm of adhocracy’.
Our street exhibition in Brazil mashes up landscapes from Dharavi and Paraisopolis leading residents to guess which part of the image is their neighbourhood.
Photos taken by the children of the Shelter at Dharavi are being exhibited and sold at the Kala Ghoda Festival in Mumbai this week.
On Tuesday December 7, was successful the first Gallery Sessions: Opening. This session was broadcast live via streaming.