16 result(s)
The Hôtel-Dieu in Nantes: a fictional process to a citizen-inspired approach
urbz collabore avec la Ville d’Onex dans le Canton de Genève pour mettre en place un processus participatif afin d'évaluer et contribuer à l'image directrice visant à améliorer la qualité de vie, à construire de nouveaux logements et à renforcer l’identité du centre.
urbz is working with the Municipality of Onex in Geneva, putting together a participatory process to evaluate and contribute to a master plan aiming at improving the quality of life, providing new housing and strengthening the identity of the centre.
urbz is invited to host a workshop at Archipelago: Architectures for the Multiverse, a bilingual and hybrid event taking place in Geneva on May 6-8. We explore the city as a collection of fragmented left-over spaces, which need to be reassembled and given new meaning. We borrow strategies from the Collage City and the Situationist movement.
What looks like a city of aesthetic or economic contrasts may actually be a marker of the relation between urban space and individual agency.
Two powerful archetypes — the village and the city — are resolved in a third one: the slum (The Hindu 18/3/2018)
What do young Mumbaikars have to say about their family's rootedness to villages on the Konkan?
Many families live in between two households: one in the village and another in the city.