Radha is a student at Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology in Bangalore where she studies Public Space Design, a course that enables students to understand and engage with the various factors that contribute to the making of spaces, while also providing them with an understanding in the fields of art and design.
At urbz, she hopes to gain new insights into the socio-spatial relationships present in homegrown neighbourhoods such as Dharavi by engaging with the place and its residents on a daily basis.

Dharavi Fortnightly 05 - Mumbai returns : Journeys back to Dharavi during the pandemic
In this issue of the Dharavi Fortnightly, we aim to understand the experiences of people now returning or seeking to return to Dharavi, the connections they have to their hometowns, and ways in which they are keeping these connections alive in the fast-paced world today.

Dharavi Fortnightly 04 - More Covid cases and new strategies
Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, Dharavi has received much attention from the media, first for a steep increase in the number of Covid-19 cases and then for it’s commendable strategies to control and deal with its spread. In this issue of the Dharavi Fortnightly, we interviewed 30 people that included NGOs and beneficiaries to understand people’s strategies to deal with in-migration, unlock process and the new rise in Covid-19 cases.

Dharavi Fortnightly 03 - Dharavi on the move (in a pandemic)
While public transport is slowly resuming in the city, it is still inadequate to meet user needs. This issue of the Dharavi Fortnightly seeks to explore how restricted mobility due to the lockdown has affected the movement of people and goods within and around Dharavi.

Dharavi Fortnightly 02 - The Toolhouse Story
One month after the extended lockdown ended on August 31st, we speak to our respondents to know how they are coping. Based on their responses, and first-hand observations of our very own team member in Dharavi, it seemed like life had bounced back to normal. We explore how the Tool-house, a live-work housing typology, may have contributed to this.
Dharavi Fortnightly 01 - A New Normal
As the new normal sets in, and Dharavi gears up to resume business as usual, its vital workforce is on their way back or have been here for some time now. With various discourses about India’s lockdown policy claiming an exodus of workers from cities, our first issue of Dharavi fortnightly attempts to present a parallel narrative through the lens of circulatory urbanism.

Dharavi Weekly 15 - Celebrations
This issue of the Dharavi Weekly takes you through 11 personal accounts of religious and cultural celebrations from the people themselves, as a culmination of our now, 15-week long endeavour to document their lives. Moving forward, The Dharavi Weekly will transition into a fortnightly issue wherein we hope to give to you, our readers, a much more in depth ethnographic representation of these communities.

Dharavi Weekly 14 - The Young Adult Issue
For this week’s update, we spoke to 27 young adults from Dharavi, aged 18-25 years, about their experience in the lockdown and how they deal with it.

Dharavi Weekly 12 - The Smartphone Special
In this 12th weekly report, respondents spoke about the importance that phones and devices have taken in their everyday life.

Dharavi Weekly 02
This is the second weekly report on how Dharavi is dealing with the pandemic and the government's response to it.

Dharavi Weekly 01
This is the first of a weekly report of how Dharavi is coping with Covid-19

A Mangrove experience
In this article we discuss ways of making an immersive mangrove experience available to people. We propose varying degrees of engagement, from a full blown Koli experience to Mangrove Machans.

Towards a mangrove economy
The mangroves of Mumbai are a metaphor for Dharavi - both have managed to survive and thrive in areas where others cannot, are tolerant of difficult conditions, are extremely productive, have far-reaching influence and provide the foundations for larger ecosystems.

Expedition Mangrove
Over the last few months, we at urbz have been talking about interventions to engage with the ecological and economic aspects of the mangroves. So we went on an expedition to explore the mangroves near Dharavi.

Dharavi 2020: The Covid-19 challenge
We at urbz researched the circumstances in Dharavi from April to November. We now present a collection of four pandemic-focused articles, fifteen Dharavi Weekly issues, and five Dharavi Fortnightly issues.