How local, community owned and managed housing co-operatives, can be a vital step towards improving the neighbourhoods, bringing good quality civic infrastructure and making the city genuinely ’slum-free’.
Unsettling Delhi
Micro homes which integrate spaces of work and are well connected to the street economy seem to be far more viable on the longer run at all levels.
The city: Integration vs Segregation
What looks like a city of aesthetic or economic contrasts may actually be a marker of the relation between urban space and individual agency.
Micro-Urbanismo Emergente: Alternativas infraestructurales a la Pandemia
Los colectivos Urbz Colombia y Chaal Chaal Agency (India - Colombia) proponen el taller online sobre Micro Urbanismo emergente.
Articles in this collections
Covid-19 in Dharavi
Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 urbz has been researching its effect on the people of Dharavi.
Dharavi 2020: The Covid-19 challenge
We at urbz researched the circumstances in Dharavi from April to November. We now present a collection of four pandemic-focused articles, fifteen Dharavi Weekly issues, and five Dharavi Fortnightly issues.