Riponne-Tunnel démarche participative. Compte rendu intermédiaire.
The Cité Internationale, located off the Route de Morillons will change the atmosphere, perception and dynamic of a quarter known primarily as a place of work and learning where the world comes together to address global issues.
An international design-build competition to re-imagine street carts in India
Remember the Urban Typhoon workshops in Kochi? These workshops were part of the EnteKochi citylab. We are now back with the Entekochi competition. This is a national level Urban Design Competition, aiming to jointly ‘design the future city’ of Kochi. It is envisaged to plan and then facilitate the implementation of an integrated civic project.
The Kochi Municipal Corporation calls all creative minds to participate!
Click here to know more
Étude du cheminement des écoliers de l’établissement primaire de Luchepelet
Study of the route taken by schoolchildren at Luchepelet primary school
Réaménagement des rues Pré-du-Marché et du Clos-de-Bulle
Redevelopment of Rue Pré-du-Marché and Rue du Clos-de-Bulle
We are excited to be working on a new architectural project in Dharavi Koliwada. Our friend, collaborator, and contractor Joseph Koli, approached us to work on his latest project - the redevelopment of a chawl owned by brothers Vithal and Bhaskar Koli.
Élaboration d'un programme pour la mutation d'un immeuble de bureaux existant et la coordination du concept architectural (étude de faisabilité et d'options pour des interventions stratégiques)
Development of a programme for the conversion of an existing office building and coordination of the architectural concept (feasibility study and options for strategic interventions)
Concertation pour le réaménagement d’un quartier de villa en ville de Genève
Consultation for the redevelopment of a villa district in the city of Geneva
Processus participatif pour la conception d’un espace public entre les immeubles de la Meyrinoise
Participatory process to design a public space between the Meyrinoise buildings
The exhibition Koliwada Charcha is an attempt at understanding the essence of Dharavi Koliwada's architectural and visual language.