We are taking the Design Comes as We Build project to the next level - the Homegrown Street!

This project is undertaken under the C40 Women For Climate mentorship program, Mumbai in collaboration with the Government of Maharashtra. The Mentee, Vidisha Dhar, is supported by Lubaina Rangwala (WRI), urbz collective and Anamika Sarker, a student of built environment at the Jindal School of Art and Architecture. 

Geneva, Switzerland
ICRC Campus

urbz travaille sur un plan global pour le siège du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) à Genève. Environ 1200 personnes travaillent à Genève et 20 000 autres travaillent dans plus de 100 zones de conflit dans le monde.

urbz is working on a comprehensive plan for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) HQ in Geneva. About 1200 people work in Geneva and another 20,000 work in over 100 conflict zones around the world.

Démarche de concertation réunissants des associations de quartier, des représentant·e·s de l'École Pâquis-Centre, le Service des écoles, la Direction du patrimoine bâti de la Ville de Genève et l’agence dl-a (Designlab-architecture SA)

A consultation process involving neighbourhood associations, representatives of the Pâquis-Centre School, the Schools Department, the City of Geneva's Department of Built Heritage and the dl-a agency (Designlab-architecture SA).

Geneva, Switzerland
Tram des Nations

​Pré-concertation et concertation sur l’extension du tram 15 de la place des Nations à Ferney-Voltaire

Pre-consultation and consultation on the extension of tram 15 from Place des Nations to Ferney-Voltaire

urbz is working with the Municipality of Onex in Geneva, putting together a participatory process to evaluate and contribute to a master plan aiming at improving the quality of life, providing new housing and strengthening the identity of the centre.

Geneva, Switzerland
Cool City Sécheron

Un projet en cours sur la transition écologique et la manière dont elle peut favoriser des espaces publics de qualité.

An ongoing project on the ecological transition and how it can foster quality public spaces.

We at urbz researched the circumstances in Dharavi from April to November. We now present a collection of four pandemic-focused articles, fifteen Dharavi Weekly issues, and five Dharavi Fortnightly issues.

Lausanne, Switzerland

urbz conduit une démarche participative de 18 mois visant à réimaginer les deux plus grands espaces publics de Lausanne.

urbz is carrying a 18 month long participatory process to redefine the two largest public squares in Lausanne.

Geneva, Switzerland
Cultura Fertilis, étoile

​Programmation urbaine pour un îlot de 60’000 m2 à l’Etoile, PAV

Urban planning for a 60,000 m2 block at l'Etoile, PAV