The Hôtel-Dieu in Nantes: a fictional process to a citizen-inspired approach

Digitalization can transform how SMEs operate in Dharavi. Made in Dharavi is a digital application that will support small-scale businesses in Dharavi to make them locally productive and globally…
urbz is helping a cultural squat to formalize it's relationship to the city of Geneva
urbz is working with the employees, directorate and assembly of the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Red Cross/Red Crescent Museum to imagine the future of their HQ
After the relaxation of the lockdown, our interns worked on the Homegrown street project. This article presents their work and experience.
SMEs are the key drivers of economic growth in the country and they need to start selling online in order to scale up and receive the true wage and value for their products. This presents a…
urbz founders Rahul Srivastava and Matias Echanove reflect on community-driven placemaking in the Indian metropolis. Read on Azure magazine  
We have come to an end with our series on Makers of Homegrown cities and the Vithal Bhaskar graphic novel. This post presents one finale to both.
In the latest issue, we take a trip with urbz interns as they visit the Vithal Bhaskar site.
In this article, we travel to Cape Town in the western capes of South Africa. The homegrown settlements in Cape town have emerged from occupations of underutilized buildings and vacant lands in…
 How can social and digital empowerment fuel positive growth for Dharavi's SMEs?