Amin is passionate about holistic and human centered approaches to cultivating cities


New night / New Day - Hugh Ebdy for urbz

2024 - Here we are !

We take a moment to reflect on urbz's achievements in 2023 and our objectives for 2024. We started in Mumbai in 2008 where we are busier than ever. Over the years we expanded our activities to Goa, Bogota, Geneva and now Paris. For 2024, we make the good resolution of communicating better and more frequently with our friends and followers!


User-Choices - Themes for the Red Cross Park, Geneva

The participatory events planned for the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Geneva, brought out specific concerns, and focus areas to convert the park into a shared space.

By: Samidha, Jeremy, Vidisha

Events and Action: The Red Cross Park, Geneva

Over six months, several events were planned for the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Geneva. The process promotes discussion, brainstorming, ideas and aspirations of the IFRC staff members, and their neighbours for the future park. 

By: Vidisha, Samidha, Rahul
Matias, Jérémy and Leonardo of urbz Geneva together with IFRC staff and neighbors.

A Participatory Park for the Red Cross

urbz is leading a participatory landscaping process for the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) through a series of workshops, walks, talks and exhibition. The end result will be a publicly accessible IFRC Park in the center of Geneva. 


A Shared Vision for the ICRC in Geneva

urbz is working with the employees, directorate and assembly of the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Red Cross/Red Crescent Museum to imagine the future of their HQ

By: Samidha, Mara, Kareena, Leonore, Gabriela, Anushka, Partha, Viraj

Delta V: Neighbourhood project

This innovative plan for a new neighbourhood in the town of Versoix in Geneva will be presented at

the Swiss Architecture Museum in Basel (S AM).

By: Ben, Amin, Mara, Iman

Delta V: Le plan intermédiaire

Le 11 juin 2018, urbz présente ses travaux sur la forme du futur quartier Lachenal-Dégallier (dit Delta V) aux habitants de Versoix. Un résumé en texte et image.

By: Matias, Amin, Ben

Delta V : Introduction

Un projet de quartier participatif à Versoix!
A participatory urban planning project in Geneva, Switzerland!


Delta V in the News

Articles de journaux sur le projet Delta V
News articles on the Delta V project in Geneva

By: Matias, Ben, Amin, Iman


Tram des Nations

​Pré-concertation et concertation sur l’extension du tram 15 de la place des Nations à Ferney-Voltaire

Pre-consultation and consultation on the extension of tram 15 from Place des Nations to Ferney-Voltaire

By: Matias, Amin

Ecoparc Meyrin-Satigny

Le futur de la ZI de Meyrin-Satigny : De la concertation à la gouvernance locale

The future of the Meyrin-Satigny ZI: From consultation to local governance

By: Matias, Amin, Ben


Concertation pour le réaménagement d’un quartier de villa en ville de Genève

Consultation for the redevelopment of a villa district in the city of Geneva

By: Matias, Amin, Mara, Ben

Cultura Fertilis, étoile

​Programmation urbaine pour un îlot de 60’000 m2 à l’Etoile, PAV

Urban planning for a 60,000 m2 block at l'Etoile, PAV

By: Matias, Amin, Iman

Préaux Pâquis-Centre

Démarche de concertation réunissants des associations de quartier, des représentant·e·s de l'École Pâquis-Centre, le Service des écoles, la Direction du patrimoine bâti de la Ville de Genève et l’agence dl-a (Designlab-architecture SA)

A consultation process involving neighbourhood associations, representatives of the Pâquis-Centre School, the Schools Department, the City of Geneva's Department of Built Heritage and the dl-a agency (Designlab-architecture SA).

By: Matias, Amin

Cultura Fertilis

Étude d’opportunité pour un équipement culture d'importance majeur à future place de l'Étoie (PAV).
Opportunity study for a major cultural center in the planned neighbourhood of PAV in Geneva.

By: Matias, Amin, Iman, Ben

Delta V

Projet de quartier participatif à Versoix
Participation planning project in Versoix

By: Matias, Ben, Amin


urbz conduit une démarche participative de 18 mois visant à réimaginer les deux plus grands espaces publics de Lausanne.

urbz is carrying a 18 month long participatory process to redefine the two largest public squares in Lausanne.

By: Matias, Mara, Ben, Amin

ICRC Campus

urbz travaille sur un plan global pour le siège du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) à Genève. Environ 1200 personnes travaillent à Genève et 20 000 autres travaillent dans plus de 100 zones de conflit dans le monde.

urbz is working on a comprehensive plan for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) HQ in Geneva. About 1200 people work in Geneva and another 20,000 work in over 100 conflict zones around the world.

By: Vidisha, Matias, Samidha, Amin
View of Cali from the historical neighbourhood of San Antonio

Cali Calling !

urbz está trabajando en el desarrollo de un conjunto de herramientas y metodologías para la planificación participativa de la ciudad de Cali en Colombia.

By: Matias, Andres, GabrielaJ, Amin
View of Cali from the historical neighbourhood of San Antonio

Cali Calling !

urbz is working on the development of a set of tools and methodologies for participatory planning for the city of Cali in Colombia. french

By: Matias, Andres, GabrielaJ, Amin
View of Cali from the historical neighbourhood of San Antonio

Cali Calling !

urbz is working on the development of a set of tools and methodologies for participatory planning for the city of Cali in Colombia.

By: Matias, Andres, GabrielaJ, Amin

Inventing the future: A new neighbourhood for Geneva in the heart of the Nations Quarter

The Cité Internationale, located off the Route de Morillons will change the atmosphere, perception and dynamic of a quarter known primarily as a place of work and learning where the world comes together to address global issues. 

By: Amin