With a background in international affairs and development studies, Franka has lived and worked in different cities in Europe, Asia and Latin America where she discovered her enthousiasm for complex urban challenges and innovative bottom-up solutions.

During her masters program in urban planning, she has had the chance to develop practical skills in spatial analysis and mapping while focusing on urban governance, neighborhood development and citizen participation.



urbz collabore avec la Ville d’Onex dans le Canton de Genève pour mettre en place un processus participatif afin d'évaluer et contribuer à l'image directrice visant à améliorer la qualité de vie, à construire de nouveaux logements et à renforcer l’identité du centre.

By: Franka, Jeremy, Matias, Amin


Participatory process Onex-Centre

urbz is working with the Municipality of Onex in Geneva, putting together a participatory process to evaluate and contribute to a master plan aiming at improving the quality of life, providing new housing and strengthening the identity of the centre.

By: Franka, Jeremy