Architectural Actions: Auto-construction and Transformations
Architectural Actions: Auto-construction and Transformations
In recent years, the emergence of organizations and collective groups of architects and urbanists that seek to generate both theoretical and practical reflection of alternative processes in the consolidation of spaces built in vulnerable settlements has been seen. This reflection has been framed around the concern that the conventional methods used by the profession have not responded efficiently to solve the global environmental problems and improve the local conditions of the inhabitants, taking into account their needs and the socio-cultural and economic aspects of the occupied territories.
On the other hand, the limitations of the conventional design processes together with the rationality and abstraction of the proposals aimed at solving the problems and understanding the potential of the communities have prompted these organizations and groups to experience new collaborative forms of spatial production together with the communities. This allows them to understand the dynamics of each context and to be able to generate more consistent and flexible proposals according to the territories.
In this alternative exploration, the use of new technological tools is combined with methods of understanding social dynamics through articulation with tools of social sciences and fieldwork, artisanal work rescuing vernacular construction techniques and the development of new materials around the production of projects.
However, its impact has been limited since they have not found a space for reflection and encounter from the academy that allows them to make visible, reflect and exchange their methodological and practical experiences in order to potentiate their ideas, promote new forms of space production reflecting together with the inhabitants of the communities, students, academics and professionals.
The main objective of the 1st Meeting of Architectural Collectives and Community Projects is to generate a space within the discipline where communities, students, groups, academics and professionals can exchange experiences, methodologies and practices. This event will be a platform for various groups of architects and urban planners to present strategies used in the development of community projects, to share what has been learned and to reflect on the impact these interventions have had in the community.
Secondary objectives include:
1. Gather different groups in a space that allows them to share their experiences in the development of community projects.
2. Visualize different processes of construction of spaces led by vulnerable communities and supported by different groups.
3. Articulate a framework of good practices for this type of Participatory Action Research.
4. Visit a community project where the development of a community project is visible.
5. Generate workshops that allow learning of collaborative design tools and methodologies.
6. Develop a publication to disseminate the dialogue generated at this event.
For more information