Ajanta & Ellora: Back to the Future

Ajanta & Ellora: Back to the Future
Just back from the caves and rock-cut temples of Ajanta and Ellora.
After getting off from the train at VT, we walked down to Fort, past the Hermes and Louboutin windows, to a café for breakfast before taking a taxi home.
At home, I caught up on my weekly dose of the MINT lounge – a weekend newspaper insert – this Saturday’s lounge was – it so happens – “the luxury issue”.
What I saw in the lounge, or even the window dressings at the Hermes or Louboutin flagships felt lame, somewhat dead – after what I saw this weekend at Ajanta & Ellora!
The sensuality, sexuality and style oozing out of those rocks were mind-blowing! Those guys had oomph that isn’t easily found these days. The human form was celebrated, not starved.
Ajanta with its drop-dead frescoes – from some 2500 years ago was like a fashion-sutra in stone – documenting jewellery, accessories, make-up, hairstyles and costumes – while capturing the narratives of the many lives of Buddha.
Ellora had fantastic stone sculptures – entire hills carved into temple complexes and monasteries – created by the human brain with super-advanced visualization techniques that even the most sophisticated present day software cannot duplicate.
It looked like super large format 3D printing that may become possible a few decades from now, except that this was from the 5th-7th century – done entirely by hand.
Being back at my desk on a computer feels quite the anti-climax.
Susmita Mohanty is a Mumbai based spaceship designer and URBZ’s ambassador to the Universe. Click here for more photos of Ajanta & Ellora.